Nappa: The Dragon Ball villain that truly changed the status quo!

Hello everyone, Hector again, and hope you're all doing well! I have an exciting topic today to discuss that involves one of my favorite things in the world: Dragon Ball! I was in the mood to go back into Dragon Ball recently, particularly with Z as that's the one I grew up on, and it was fantastic to revisit! I'm not hugely into anime, but Dragon Ball Z is everything I love rolled into one incredible package: Full of imagination, effective world-building, spectacular action, amazing animation, excellent music, and a lot of beautiful people making stuff explode! It's perfect! I'll gladly go into more detail on how the franchise influenced me, but that's for another time as I don't want to veer off from my topic today too much. As for this topic, it involves a particular character from Dragon Ball Z that caught my eye in more ways than one, and that is none other than the mighty Nappa!!! For anyone who doesn't know or remember, Nappa is a vi...